Doing Good in Urban Neighborhoods Since 1986

Our Programs


JCH Management Group
Kenneth is more than committed to making a difference in the lives of the youth in the community. PCI provides services, education and other support to the community youth to get on a path of self sufficiency and out of gangs and into jobs...

Chris H., Each One Teach One
In a day sponsored by P.C.I., we joined other exciting young folk as they had the opportunity to learn about the Space Shuttle Endeavor and other Space Science and Technology. I had lots of fun as well. Thank you People for Community Improvement.

Imaad Z., Avenue Ventures
PCI offers young people, adults and veterans in disenfranchised communities throughout Los Angeles the resources and programs needed to not only develop life and social skills, but also teaches leadership and social responsibility. P.C.I. works to improve quality of life and foster economic development by empowering community members.

In the

People for Community Improvement
13008 S. Figueroa St
Los Angeles CA 90061
Hours: M-F 10am-6pm
Office: (310)-225-2669
CEO:(323)-240-1136 - Kenneth
Director:(323)-602-3924 - Marice
Program Dir:(818-391-6611- Barry
Fax: (310)-225-2679
email: info@pcicenter.org